Sermon Archives

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Summer Sermons 2023




The Path - Getting From Here to There


The Redemption of Scrooge


Making an IMPACT


Shaped by God


The Power of Words


Summer Sermons 2022


Holding On To Hope



We pursue happiness, fame, fortune, and success. When we begin to pursue greater meaning in our lives, we discover a God who loves us is pursuing us. How can we trust a love so encompassing? How can we accept God’s love and love God back?




Most of us are stuck. We’re stuck in our patterns and ways of coping and surviving in a fallen, broken world. It causes us to repeat behaviors that only serve to hold us back. Our depression, anxiety, anger, and apathy mock us at every attempt to dig ourselves out of the rut we’re in.
Drawing upon scripture and the insights of psychologist Dr. Henry Cloud, we will explore how we can live into God’s plan for our lives. Join us as we explore where we need healing to happen within ourselves so that we can get unstuck and thrive.



Moving out of Scare City

The sense that there is not enough drives greed, fear, and exclusionary behavior. We begin to live in “Scare City” where it seems that death, starvation, feelings of being overwhelmed and swallowed up can lurk around every corner. The Good News is that this is an illusion. Join us for a spiritual journey into the truth that God provides an abundance of all that we need.




To work properly, we sometimes reset our electronic devices, and sometimes we need to be reset. For followers of Jesus, resets are less about going back to the normal comforts of what we knew and more about allowing God to set us back to the way things are supposed to be. What in our lives could benefit from a reset?



Seen.  Known.  Loved.  

If God created us, knows us, and loves us, why do we so often feel disconnected from God and others? Are there practical steps we can take to grow our capacity to experience and extend God's love as we witness to the risen Christ in our midst? 

Dr. Gary Chapman's 5 Love Languages will serve as the springboard for this series. Discover your love language and language of apology with free quizzes at



Blind Spots:  Lenten Series 2021

This sermon series explores how recognizing our blind spots can help us draw upon God’s strength.

Join us on our YouTube Channel for this series.

August sermons series: Coronacoaster

Noun: The emotional ups and downs of living during a pandemic. 

How can we build our capacity to handle stress when we can't change life's circumstances and God seems slow to act?

Join us on our YouTube Channel for this series.

Picture Yourself in the Story

So much of life happens around us, even to us, that we take little time to notice. The amount of stimulation and news and ideas and expectations coming at us can outweigh our ability to process all of it and so we stop looking too closely, we filter in order to survive. While this is necessary, it can also dull our senses for seeing the things that matter deeply. In this season of Lent, we will intentionally put a “frame” around the scenes of Jesus’ last week and also frame our own lives in a way that we can see what really matters. Join us as we take a closer look at the events of the last week of Jesus' life so you can figure out what your role is in its ongoing message! 


Our past doesn't have to hurt our present. We all have hurts, habits, and hang-ups that hold us back, impact our relationships, and prevent us from claiming our identity as God's beloved son or daughter. Typically, we bury our hurts and press on. What if we acknowledged them and let God heal us? Click below to listen to this series! 

Advent Conspiracy

Find out how to have a Christmas worth remembering, not dreading. Christmas can still change the world when you, like Jesus, give what matters most—your presence.